Real ARCTIC Blast Coverage You will NEVER See on TV weather

The Jetstream was held in a blocking pattern from October until right after new years. The POLAR Arctic Cold has built up and is now roaring down like a broken dam as the jet stream moves into position blowing along, down and across the continent.

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Highly Refined Closed Millibar Activity.
Upper Level Low Pressure Sitting over the great lakes absorbing the moisture from the still unfrozen water mass.
Siberia is -65F for 6000 Miles. The entire north part of the planet is an ice cap right now.
AND BTW: THE storm DOESN'T have to have a dadgum NAME !!!!
We've been documenting weather for centuries and never had to tab everything under the sun with a name.
Soon the sun will get a name when it comes up every day!
Then it will become this: The sun came up this morning and it was named "Jimi" and it's gone behind the clouds.
Soon the weather media will wanna name clouds and fog.
Stop turning an age old scientific structure into nonsense.



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