School of Fish from One Swimming Fish

Animate a single Fish swimming through a scene, then duplicate that sequence on another layer, moving the first position to a frame one half second earlier or later. Repeat on more layers, to make a School from one Animated Fish.

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Just to remind folks --- I like showing people how to do animation. I've taught almost 2,000 people how to draw animation, and how to use 2D and 3D animation Software. My brother and I started drawing when we were in diapers. Eventually that got us to where we could make some $$$ at it. I'm not saying it's easy. But it's a way to make a living, if you hustle. •••••••••••••

Showing students how to construct and control basic movements, I eventually created a pile of Examples... This one actually builds upon a more basic exercise I call "Fish on a Ribbon" a companion concept to "Bird on a Wire." I'll describe that here:

    For that exercise, I show how you can draw a RIBBON, with curls and waves... Then, divide that ribbon into a series of segments, where each segment will just contain a fish, front to back. You need to be able to draw a simple fish in perspective, rounding a corner, or FORESHORTENED in the turns, according to the shape of the ribbon you've drawn. And you have to be able to THINK of that Ribbon existing in a Three-Dimensional Space for this to be effective. So you need to have developed some drawing skills to be able to make sense of Animation, unless you limit your ideas to 2-dimensional flat ones.

    So, number each of the SEGMENTS in order 1...2...3...4... et cetera. Draw a fish that fits inside each segment, and place that fish on its own space on the timeline of your animation, numbered and positioned to match its segment on the ribbon.

    Do this for each segment of your original RIBBON shape, and you'll have a sequence of a Fish that appears to be propelling itself through that space. You can go back and create additional layers put in waving fronds of seaweed, bubbles, drifting jellyfish, et cetera –– your own version of that place where dwells the fabled sponge character from which the fortunes of many have grown...

   In order to add more fish, create an additional layer for each additional fish, and be sure to STAGGER the starting frame of each new fish at a different frame, so they aren't all moving in formation...



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