the Chinese are stockpiling food right now, but why?

why did the chinese communist party issue a mandate to their citizens to hoard food?

something isn't right here!

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  • extreme weather changes are ahead this year,so shortages in food production will be a way forward. adapt2030 on youtube has great updates.. china is building a hydro power plant in the desert in africa. what do they know?
  • I knew what was coming and started buying toilet paper by the case long before the pandemic. You can soak your peas and beans overnight to accomplish the same thing as pressure cooking. You're not cynical, you're on the money. Biden shut down the pipeline; I learned about that in the June or July before it was public. The best price I've found on healthy real honey is Celtic Sea Salt is healthier; I base that on decades of research and use. The cheapest place found to buy it is This link is for the best way I've found for iodine, it's the 4 oz., but you can order by the pound too, It lasts a very long time, is delicious, great in food, on food, and just taking it. I never finished my law degree, put my kids first; anyway, I was always looking for an honest lawyer to work for. The one thing I can tell you, they were all honest enough to tell me they weren't honest. Great video Martin, and with very important advice.
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