COSMIC SUMMIT 2023 | VIDEO-ON-DEMAND. RAVE REVIEWS FOR CS23 / 14 Scientists & Speculators Joined Forces To Pursue The Truth!
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Welcome To The First Annual Cosmic Summit 2023
A Very Special Event About the True History of Earth and What It Means For Our Collective Future.
Being Released Thursday, June 22nd
The live event concluded, June 18th.
We are currently preparing the
which will be published on June 22nd.
Millions worldwide believe there is more to recent earth and human history than we're being told. The Cosmic Summit will tell the whole story best we can. The heterodox subjects addressed at The Summit will include the well-published Younger Dryas Impact Event, More Recent Cosmic Impacts, Suspected Precursor Civilizations, Clovis People, The Black Mat, Gobekli Tepe, Lost Ancient Technologies, Controversial Archaeology, Megalithic Monument Building, Egyptian Mysteries, and Catastrophic Geology.
This video series includes Q&A sessions.
If you have questions, please drop them
into the comment section provided
on the viewing page.
The howtube VOD Experience
This video series was recorded LIVE, and it
includes Q&A sessions throughout the two day
event. If you have questions, please drop
them into the comment section provided
on the viewing page.
Cosmic Summit 2023 Was a HIT!
Everyone agrees, Cosmic Summit 2023 was
a very special LIVE event and has set an
all important présidence for correlating
speculation and hard science
for true advancement.
Jahannah takes you on an exploration of the lost
civilization of Atlantis and uses AI to picture
what it just might of looked liked.
Dr. Tankersly reveals NEW information about
the airburst event that occurred over the
Ohio River valley, a likely contribution
to the cultural declined of
the Hopewell.
"Carolina Bays Phenomenon"
happened all at once.
On Mayan Atlantis.
ancient construction.
Speaker Bios

Randall Carlson
Randall has 7 Joe Rogan appearances under his belt, he produces his own podcast KOSMOGRPHIA, is the founder of Randall Carlson, LLC (an organization dedicated to alternative education and content for homeschoolers and owns Carlson is also a master builder and architectural designer, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar.

Jahannah James (MOC)
Jahannah is a UK Comedic Actress and Alternative History researcher who questions historical orthodoxy with unforgettable charm and wit. 1 million Facebook, 115k Instagram, 153k YouTube followers at Funny Olde World.

Scott Wolter
Scott Wolter is a forensic geologist with eight-season under his belt as the host of the TV series "America Unearthed." Scott will reveal jaw-dropping new information on "Templar Treasures in North America" and deliver the strongest evidence ever presented for multiple, deliberate and directed Pre-Columbian European contact with North America and its Native Peoples.

Ben Van Kerkwyk
Ben Van Kerkwyk travels the world investigating important mysteries, lost civilizations, and unacknowledged cataclysms. And what it all means for us today. He is host of UnchartedX with 275k subscribers and has an insatiable curiosity for unexplained history and unacknowledged facts. @UnchartedX1

Luke Caverns
Luke Caverns is a Cultural Anthropologist & social media superstar, adding thousands of followers each week by effectively & entertainingly communicating the mysterious ancient past of Earth & Humanity. Luke has a special interest and a special take on the Mayan Civilization’s reflection of Atlantis, which he will share with us in Asheville.

Chris Cottrell
Chris Cottrell has taught Environmental Science and Earth Systems for over 20 years. He holds minors in Geology and in Environmental Geography, as well as receiving two Masters degrees in Education & Geoscience. Chris has a unique perspective that bridges the speculative with the academic. The Dabbler’s Den, or twitter at @DabblersDen.

Micah Hanks
Micah Hanks is an Asheville native and prolific writer, podcaster, researcher and speaker whose interests cover a variety of subjects, including history, archaeology, UFOs, science, and the Younger Dryas Impact. Micah Hanks Program, Seven Ages Podcast, and editor of The Debrief. @MicahHanks

Col. Matthew Lohmeier
Lt. Colonel Lohmeier is a former Commander in US Space Force, Air Force Academy graduate, and fighter pilot. He was relieved of his duties in 2021 for writing a book encouraging reform of the U.S. Military. Matt hosts The Matthew Lohmeier Show. @matthewlohmeier

Russ Allen
Russ Allen is a Texas vintner and podcaster who co-hosts the Brothers of the Serpent podcast, and Kosmographia with Randall Carlson. Russ is an intrepid seeker of the truth behind persistent mysteries and a keen observer of foolishness masquerading as science. @SnkBrs

Dr. Allen West
Dr. West is a scientific polymath and director of the Comet Research Group. Since 2007 he has led more than >100 multidisciplinary Phd’s in the investigation of the Younger Dryas Impact. His tireless work to publish data driven evidence in prominent in journals, despite furious opposition, is unparalleled in modern scientific history.

Dr. Kenneth Tankersley
Dr. Tankersley is an Associate Professor of Geology and Anthropology at the University of Cincinnati. A member of the Piqua tribe, he examines human adaptation and cultural survival during periods of regional and global catastrophic change. Ken is a primary investigator of the Hopewell Indian Mounds and Sheridan Cave, a location of the Younger Dryas Black Mat.

Dr. Andrew M.T. Moore
Dr. Moore is the recent past president of the Archaeological Institute of America. The AIA is world’s largest professional archaeological association. He is the principle investigator of Abū Hurayra in Syria where he led the discovery of the earliest evidence for human civilization and agriculture, and subsequently the Younger Dryas Impact.

Dr. Steven Collins
Dr. Collins has been Dig Director of Tall-el-Hamman in the Jordan Valley for 16 seasons. His excavation of the obscure cultural mound has revealed the Levant’s largest city of the Middle Bronze Age and the best candidate ever presented for an historical Sodom. He is a man of faith, author, and a respected academic scholar and lecturer on Middle Eastern Archaeology.

Dr. Martin Sweatman
Dr. Sweatman is an Edinburgh University scientist and author of Prehistory Decoded. His decipherment of Gobekli Tepe concludes the earliest structure on earth is a successful effort to communicate the destruction of the planet by cosmic impact ~12,800 years ago. Sweatman appears prominently in Netflix’s Ancient Apocalypse.

Marc Young
Marc is an Honors Candidate at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia, working towards a Phd. in Archaeology. He is a member of the Comet Research Group and characterizes nanomaterial evidence of Younger Dryas Impact. @Marc_Young_90
June 17th - 18th
Asheville, North Carolina, USA
The 1st Annual Cosmic Summit, 2023
Saturday, June 17th
- 7:30 AM: Breakfast at Expo Center
- 8:00 AM – 8:15 AM: George Howard
- Welcome and Introduction of Master of Ceremonies Jahannah James
- Land Acknowledgement
- 8:15 AM – 8:40 AM: Micah Hanks
- Asheville Native Welcome
- 8:40 AM – 10:40 AM: Marc Young
- YDIH Overview & Future Research
- YDIH Overview & Future Research
BREAK: 10:40 AM – 10:55 AM / Intermission
- 10:55 AM – 11:55 AM: Luke Caverns
- Mayan Atlantis
- Mayan Atlantis
BREAK: 10:40 AM – 10:55 AM / Lunch
- 12:45 PM – 1:45 PM: Jahannah James
- What If?
- 1:45 PM – 2:45 PM: Ben Van Kerkwyk UnchartedX
- A Tale of Two Industries – Lost Technology
- A Tale of Two Industries – Lost Technology
BREAK: 2:45 PM – 3:05 PM / Intermission
- 3:05 PM – 4:25 PM: Chris Cottrell
- Carolina Bays: Where did they come from, where did they go?
- Carolina Bays: Where did they come from, where did they go?
BREAK: 4:25 PM – 4:40 PM / Intermission
- 4:40 PM – 7:00 PM: Randall Carlson
- Ice Age Megafloods, Hypervelocity Impacts & The Energy Paradox
- Includes a 45 min Q&A session from 6:15PM to 7:00PM
- Questions From Livestream Audience Are Welcomed
BREAK: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM / Dinner & Mixer
Sunday, June 18th
- 7:30 AM: Breakfast at Expo Center
- 8:00 AM – 8:55 AM: Chandra Wickramsinghe
- Life in Space and Catastrophes
- 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Dr. Kenneth Barnett Tankersley, University of Cincinnati
- 400 AD Hopewell Airburst
- 400 AD Hopewell Airburst
BREAK: 10:00 AM – 10:15 AM / Intermission
- 10:15 AM – 11:15 AM: Dr. Steven Collins, Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project
- Bronze Age Impact at Tall el-Hammam
- 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM: Russ Allen, Brothers of the Serpent
- Unfinished Ancient Construction
- Unfinished Ancient Construction
BREAK: 12:15 PM – 1:15 PM / Lunch
- 1:15 PM – 2:30 PM: Dr. Andrew M.T. Moore, Archaeological Institute of America
- The Destruction of Abu Hureyra ar 12,800 bp - Village on the Euphrates
- The Destruction of Abu Hureyra ar 12,800 bp - Village on the Euphrates
BREAK: 2:30 PM – 2:45 PM / Intermission
- 2:45 PM – 3:45 PM: Dr. Martin B. Sweatman, University of Edinburgh
- Gobekli Tepe & The YDIH
- Gobekli Tepe & The YDIH
BREAK: 3:45 PM – 4:00 PM / Intermission
- 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Scott Wolter
- NEW Evidence of the Templars Presence In America Including NEW TREASURE FOUND and The Impact This Has On American History and Our Society!
- Randall Carlson
- Scott Wolter
- George Howard
- Hosted by Jahanna James
- 6:00 PM: George Howard
- Closing Address
- Closing Address
Cosmic Summit 2023 Was a HIT!!!
Everyone agrees, Cosmic Summit 2023 was
a very special LIVE event and has set an
all important présidence for correlating
speculation and hard science
for true advancement.
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