The Freedom of Being Nobody - A Powerful Message From Ram Dass

Ram dedicated his life to the practice of karma yoga– or spiritual service– opening up millions of people to their own souls along the way. He died on December 22nd, 2019, but his compassion for sharing true knowledge and vision will live on forever.
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More About Ram Dass 

Ram first went to India in 1967. He was still Dr. Richard Alpert, a prominent Harvard psychologist and psychedelic pioneer with Dr. Timothy Leary. He continued his psychedelic research until that fateful Eastern trip in 1967, when he traveled to India. 

In India, he met his guru, Neem Karoli Baba, affectionately known as Maharajji, who gave Ram Dass his name, which means “servant of God.” Everything changed then – his intense dharmic life started, and he became a pivotal influence on a culture that has reverberated with the words “Be Here Now” ever since. Ram Dass’ spirit has been a guiding light for three generations, carrying along millions on the journey, helping to free them from their bonds as he works through his own. Since 1968, Ram Dass has pursued a panoramic array of spiritual methods and practices from potent ancient wisdom traditions, including bhakti or devotional yoga focused on the Hindu deity Hanuman; Buddhist meditation in the Theravadin, Mahayana Tibetan, and Zen Buddhist schools, and Sufi and Jewish mystical studies. His unique skill in getting people to cut through and feel divine love without dogma is still a positive influence on many people from all over the planet.



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