Hello HowTube! (Thank You Randall Carlson)

Hi everyone! Thank you for watching this video! In honor of Randall Carlson (and all of us who love ancient history) I have the OLDEST COMPLETE SONG from the Western World to play for you...The Seikilos Epitaph✨

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Hi everyone,  

Thank you for watching this video!  I'm so excited to be here on HowTube!! 

If any of you need help along your musical path, I'd LOVE to work with you! Please connect and reach out if you feel inspired. :)  https://www.violinviolamasterclass.com 

The tune I played is called the "Seikilos Epitaph" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seikilos_epitaph



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All Comments: (3)
  • Just getting started with HowTube. You video on adjusting the sound post on a violin is the first non-Randall video for me. Interesting, but this one was very moving for this 70 year old. Just need to figure out where to watch your videos...
  • Thank you for the performance and song, Amber. It's as much appreciated and valued as Randall's presentations.
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