Origin Of The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth & Plato
You won't hear this anywhere else. l've had a hunch for a while, but this surprised me even. Based on text through history it appears quite possible that Plato's original source for his Atlantis tale among other writings was what we know as The... read more
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You won't hear this anywhere else. l've had a hunch for a while, but this surprised me even. Based on text through history it appears quite possible that Plato's original source for his Atlantis tale among other writings was what we know as The Emerald Tablets of Thoth. If you dig the Egyptians tell you their history..and where it came from.. Finally the truth about the tablets and which one was the original and which is the condensed 'copy'. You can take every verse in the Emerald Tablets of Hermes and find their fuller original meaning in the true Tablet of Thoth...which was first mentioned 1,000 years before the Tablets of Hermes. And this is just a little of what l have found. This confirms the origin of Emerald Tablets.. Just how accurate Doreal's 1920's translation shows is up for debate, but it sure rings true in many different aspects.
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The Alchemy of Plato by Ishtar Babilu Dingir
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